Diagnostic Services at NaKuna Mental Wellness

Unlocking the Path to Your Mental Wellness

Your journey begins with understanding. At NaKuna Mental Wellness, our diagnostic services are the foundational step toward a personalized treatment plan informed by your unique mental health conditions, history, and wellbeing goals.

What to Expect from Our Diagnostic Services:
1250+ Patient 5.0(125k Review)
Diagnostic Services (1)

Reviewing Your Current Concerns

A detailed discussion about the challenges you’re facing and your motivations for seeking help.

Understanding Your Mental Health History

An exploration of past diagnoses, treatments, and any relevant medical background that might impact your mental wellbeing.


years Of Experience

Our diagnostic services encompass a comprehensive approach aimed at getting to the heart of your mental health concerns. This process includes:

Before Your Appointment

Online Intake Forms

You'll receive an email link to complete your intake forms online. Submitting these 24 hours before your appointment ensures we can dedicate the maximum amount of time to your care during our session.

Past Medical Records

Bringing any records from previous mental health care providers, including information on medication, treatments, or relevant medical history, significantly aids in the diagnostic process.


Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

During Your Appointment

Open Conversation

Your appointment will be a space for open dialogue with your provider. While diagnostic questions will be asked, expressing your thoughts, experiences, and symptoms in your own words is highly encouraged.

Personalized Treatment Plan

Based on our discussion, your provider will initiate a diagnostic process tailored to formulate a personalized treatment plan, considering your unique symptoms and past experiences.

Diagnostic Services at Nakuna Mental Wellness

Unlocking the Path to Your Mental Wellness

Your journey begins with understanding. At Nakuna Mental Wellness, our diagnostic services are the foundational step toward a personalized treatment plan informed by your unique mental health conditions, history, and wellbeing goals.

What to Expect from Our Diagnostic Services:

Our diagnostic services encompass a comprehensive approach aimed at getting to the heart of your mental health concerns. This process includes:

  • Reviewing Your Current Concerns: A detailed discussion about the challenges you’re facing and your motivations for seeking help.
  • Understanding Your Mental Health History:  An exploration of past diagnoses, treatments, and any relevant medical background that might impact your mental wellbeing.

Before Your Appointment:

  • Online Intake Forms: You'll receive an email link to complete your intake forms online. Submitting these 24 hours before your appointment ensures we can dedicate the maximum amount of time to your care during our session.
  • Past Medical Records: Bringing any records from previous mental health care providers, including information on medication, treatments, or relevant medical history, significantly aids in the diagnostic process.
  • During Your Appointment:

  • Open Conversation: Your appointment will be a space for open dialogue with your provider. While diagnostic questions will be asked, expressing your thoughts, experiences, and symptoms in your own words is highly encouraged.
  • Personalized Treatment Plan: Based on our discussion, your provider will initiate a diagnostic process tailored to formulate a personalized treatment plan, considering your unique symptoms and past experiences.
  • .

    Trauma-Informed Psychiatry

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, you will receive an email link to complete online intake forms before your appointment. Filling these out 24 hours in advance allows us to better prepare for your session.

    Be ready to discuss your current mental health concerns, including any challenges you're facing and what motivated you to seek help.

    Absolutely! Bringing any past diagnoses, treatment information, medication or therapy details, or relevant medical history from previous mental health providers can be immensely helpful.

    The duration can vary based on your specific situation. However, we ensure a dedicated amount of time to thoroughly discuss your concerns.

    After the evaluation, your provider may conduct additional assessments or tests before finalizing a diagnosis. Once the diagnostic process is complete, they will discuss the diagnosis with you in detail and collaborate with you to create a tailored treatment plan.

    Schedule a Free Consultation

    Have Questions?

    +1 (945) 233-3270

    Let’s Walk by Faith